By Healthwows → January 05, 2015
OrigamiPhotography.blogspot.com is a collection of Origami's Photo taken from different websites all over the internet. This blog does not claim all pictures posted here belong to the author solely. This blog also is not engaged in any selling activity of photos but the mere purpose of this is for the Origami lover's find a complete collection of Origami's they are fun of.

The author of this blog maybe sometime or oftentimes upload image which somehow belong to your photos, or a copyrighted materials which at first the author doesn't know and you feel that is inappropriate, please don't hesitate to use our "Contact Me" page and send me message to remove your photos. The author will after receiving your complain will compliantly remove your photos. In the same manner if you found my photos inappropriate and offensive to public or violated any organizational or personal rights  you may also contact me for notification.

Should you in any case identify any content that is harmful, malicious, sensitive or unnecessary, I request that you contact me via email so I may rectify the problem. Failing that you may like to just sit and weep incessantly!

and lastly any comments leave here by anonymous user which is offensive and malicious is the not the responsibility of the the author but if properly recognize by the author as offensive and malicious he has the right to remove any unnecessary comments made.